Our Members

AEN(SA) is made up of 23 registered Group Training Organisations in South Australia. Each organisation operates a little differently. Further information can be found on the individual organisation’s website.

What Do GTOs Provide?

  • A ‘one stop shop’ that takes care of the recruitment, selection and administrative processes needed to have an apprentice/trainee in your workplace.
  • Management of training requirements and monitoring of the apprentice or trainee progress, both on and off the job.
  • A partnership that delivers ongoing personal support, workplace monitoring, safety assessments and trouble shooting of any problems.
  • Rotation of apprentices during peak or down times or for multi-skilling across different facets of the business. Rotation may also be beneficial during difficult economic times or if placements are not working out.
  • No commitment to long term training contracts – offering businesses increased confidence to take on an apprentices or trainees.
  • Stable employment opportunities for young people.
  • A mechanism for placing out-of-trade apprentices.

How Can I Connect with the Right GTO to Help My Business?

GTOs are not-for-profit and are focussed on addressing training and employment issues in their local community. Most GTOs operate over a large geographical area and may be able to assist even if their head office is far from you. Always contact more then one GTO as they all operate a little differently.

AEN(SA) Members

Master Plumbers SA
Ai Group Apprentice & Trainee Centre
WPC Group Apprenticeships & Traineeships
Statewide Apprenticeships ANESA Member
ATEC Adelaide Training & Employment Centre
mte SA
MTA Motor Trade Association
Apprentice Careers Australia
Electro Careers And Apprentices
MIGAS Apprentices & Trainees
TAPS Your apprentice needs on tap