AFL SportsReady
Address: Tennis SA Complex War Memorial Drive North Adelaide SA 5000
Phone: 08 8210 1300
Covering a wide range of traineeship areas including: Sport and Recreation, Business, Finance & Accounting, Retail, Banking, Community and Outdoor Recreation, Horticulture and Grounds Keeping and many other vocations.
Sports, business, banking
Traineeships in the Sport and Recreation Industry
- Sports Development
- Sports Retail
- Sports Administration
- Finance / Banking
- Horticulture / Grounds Keeping
- Hospitality
- Community Recreation
- Outdoor Recreation
- Business Administration
- Publicity / Marketing
- Full time traineeships – year 10 school leaver or above.
Application details
How to apply:
School Based traineeships – year 10, 11 or 12.
Log on to the website and fill in an expression of interest form.
When to apply:
All year round
No application testing
School Visits:
AFL SportsReady is able to attend schools to talk to specific groups of students or to attend careers expos etc.
Extra funding can be accessed for indigenous trainees.
Disabled applicants welcome.