AEN (SA) is engaged in the following activities
- Building relationships with all State Government agencies
- Raising the profile of Group Training in South Australia
- Increasing the market share of Group Training apprentices and trainees
- Training and professional development
- Building relationships with all school sectors in South Australia
- Providing legal information and advice
- Facilitating the sharing of resources
- Increasing awareness and promoting best practice in WHS legislation.
Our Location
AEN (SA) is centrally located at Lvl 2, 47 South Terrace, Adelaide 5000.
Our Misson
As Group Training’s peak industry body in SA, we support and advocate for our members; enabling them to deliver quality, skills and employment for apprentices and trainees.
Our Values
Our strategic vision and day-to-day activities are guided by the organisational values of:
- Quality
- Integrity
- Innovation
- Accountability
Our Stakeholders
- Group Training Organisations (GTOs) in SA
- Three associate members
- State and Federal Government
- Apprentice Employment Network
- Host employers
- Apprentices and trainees
- Jobseekers
Our Strategic Plan
Our Clients
Our 23 member organisations and 3 associate members are located across metropolitan Adelaide and all major population centres throughout South Australia. All member organisations meet National Group Training Standards, ensuring the delivery of quality, accountable services to the industry. Collectively, our members provide employment for over 3,000 apprentices and trainees in South Australia and account for 28% of all apprentices engaged in South Australia.